• ccci creative media    相關企業商業資訊
    1. Reactive Creative Co. Ltd

      Reactive Creative Co., Ltd. 誠徵設計師一名。相關科系,熱愛風尚,喜歡生活,願意與我們一起共創美好未來者。

      電話:02-87730508    地址:台北市大安區安和路ㄧ段29號13F
    2. tenzones digital entertainment

      ...ong Based company for well-renowned and reward artists, including original creative content, and interactive media.We are focusing on Create original Contents that would develop and distributes a variety of premier product lines in the North American market, including artist-based toys, high quality...

      電話:02-28835567    地址:台北市士林區故宮路
    3. 087 creative

      087創意視覺設計公司主要客戶為 YAHOO NISSEN BOBBIBROWN 遊戲產業需要精通FLASH 網業相關軟體 有美感設計感的夥伴

      電話:02-27281087    地址:台北市信義區忠孝東路五段790巷57弄15號1F
    4. 瑞典商瑞亞媒體有限公司 亞太分公司

      AR Media International AB was established 1990 and has become a leading publisher within the security industry through products like: DETEKTOR magazine and the news portal -- SecurityWorldHotel.com (ranked as the most well known and used online medias for the security industry in the EMEA, accordin...

      電話:02-23224062    地址:台北市中正區信義路二段91號8F-3
    5. 數字媒體有限公司

      Number Media成立於2010年8月,Number Media雖然是一間小而美的公司,但裡面的組成成員都具有在媒體廣告&整合行銷領域10年以上之資歷,我們是一群對整合行銷懷抱熱誠理想及有經驗、執行能力、效率高,認真負責的團隊!! Number Media...

      電話:02-25060603    地址:台北市中山區台北市中山區建國北路二段262號6樓

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